
Thursday, August 31, 2017


Magpie collections are always shifting.

Hello. Lady Magpie here. Small town girl. 

I welcome you to my little world. A world full of changing themes, creative break, and information overload. 
Sharing my ideas, thoughts, and love for collecting an absurd amount of treasures (lost things). It is not HOARDING if it is organized and cycled through. (my mantra daily) 

This is my box of trinkets (1 of 1,000) Oh boy! They are in boxes according to what they are used for. OK we will go with Chaotic organizing. BUT...I do know where things are.

Since I am revamping my blog into more of an actual interactive learning space I want to THANK my current blog followers. Thank you for me being MIA as I dealt with life and the ever changing circumstances that have now lead me to where I am currently. I PROMISE more content, DIY, detailed Q&A, and of course treasure sharing. 
(I give permission to call me out on reclusive behavior)

I would love for an open topic of things YOU would love to learn, DIY, and explore.

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